.. ot-task:: project_xxx.debian_config Get Debian 10 Kernel Config =========================== Figure out where to get Debian's kernel config. Run Debian within Qemu ---------------------- See `here `__. .. code-block:: console $ mkdir qemu-debian $ cd qemu-debian $ wget https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-cd/debian-10.10.0-amd64-netinst.iso $ qemu-img create -f qcow2 virtualdebian.img 30G $ qemu-kvm -hda virtualdebian.img -cdrom debian-10.10.0-amd64-netinst.iso -m 2048 -net nic -net user Extract Kernel Config from ``/boot`` ------------------------------------ Sic. Cool how ``qemu`` works out of the box, network configured, ``scp``.