Miscellaneous To Do =================== .. sidebar:: Contents .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Extensions ---------- * Contents in sidebars * **Schulungen/Sidebars** are manually maintained. As for the course dates, this could be solved by having a central database and generating the table. use rstjinja for this. * **SVG** reST Todos ---------- .. todolist:: Styling ------- Browse through `RTD user list `__ * `Blender `__: uses container directive a lot. could be applied to front page. * `Corda `__: howto add links to html sidebar. `github `__. * figure directive has a ``figclass`` attribute. hmm. C++ --- Convert to RST/S5 ................. * C++03 * C++11 Examples ........ ``Homebrain/Kurse/Material/C++11/Examples/``: dress it up nicely using literalinclude and such. links from within presentation. Convert Existing Content ------------------------ Add Missing ........... * 045-cmake.tex * 055-c++03.tex * 056-c++11.tex * 060-design-patterns-unittests.tex * 200-misc.tex * 400-kernel.tex, incl. code in github (move over) * 910-glt-2014.tex (CAN) * Python beginner * Python advanced Structure ......... * add avl live hacking to "sysprog: virtmem, ipc". link to it from /blog/2011/01/porting-to-linux-there-s-always-a-better-way.rst "Signals Aren't Messages") * CAN -> network * GPIO, libgpiod -> Embedded * System basics: links to make, bash, ... * split "linux intro" out of sysprog topics -> testers etc. References, Past Trainings -------------------------- * move log/ over from old-fart/ * mail people, send link when done (after style is in place) About ----- * missing link to confix in :doc:`/about/myself/projects-de` ("jjj") * add public ssh key Skills ------ * web programming as skills? ("ungern") * flask * skill: not getting lost; structuring js-accessible urls; json interfaces (link to openheating -> intersphinx) * sphinx, for documentation -> consulting, soft skills * picture of myself wearing "css sucks" t-shirt Blog ---- `He `__ only gives a link to the feed XML, and leaves subscribing to readers who know how to. Is that the way?