.. include:: Python Advanced (7.9.2020 - 10.9.2020) ====================================== .. contents:: :local: .. sidebar:: *Training Information* **Start** Montag 7.9.2020, 8:00 **Official Description** :doc:`/trainings/repertoire/python/advanced` **Material** .. csv-table:: Python material, :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/group` PDF Slides (Design Patterns), :download:`Design Patterns ` **Github Private Repository** https://github.com/jfasch/2020-09-07 This is a training for a team which is already experienced in Python programming. There were some special requirements for the training, such as to loose a couple of words about AI/machinelearning and other topics, as well as a fuzzy "bring us advanced stuff". The training was accompanied by a lot of improvised live hacking. Preparation ----------- Workspace Setup ............... * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/basics/installation` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/misc/vscode` Github for Exercises .................... Please create `Github `__ accounts and send them to training@faschingbauer.co.at. We will do exercises via a private repository on Github. (See the :doc:`privacy statement `.) Agenda ------ Advanced Core Python Topics ........................... Python is easy; one can solve nontrivial problems in only a few lines of code, in no time. This does not mean that you have to fully understand the language - which is good because this is what makes the language easy. On the other hand, there's always a line to cross where you wish you knew more. Here the more advanced core Python topics that shall be covered. * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/iteration-generation/python_1010_generators_yield/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/context-mgr/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/misc/encoding/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/exceptions/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/modules` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/oo/inheritance/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/oo/operator-overloading/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/starargs/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/closures/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/decorators/topic` Special Topics .............. * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/misc/ai/group` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/misc/ai/machine-learning-intro` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/misc/ai/linear-regression/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/misc/ai/k-means` * Unit Testing, Test Driven Development, Design Patterns * Excerpt from :doc:`/trainings/repertoire/unittests` (:download:`/trainings/material/pdf/060-design-patterns-unittests.pdf`) * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/swdev/unittest` * Web programming with Jango and/or Flask Log --- Following is a recap of what has happened. File names are relative to the root of the `Github repository `__ we were working from. Day 1 ..... Rushed through basics, * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/basics/python_0140_variables/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/basics/python_0150_datatypes_overview/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/basics/python_0150_datatypes_overview_compound/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/basics/python_0170_if/topic` Put a strong focus on Python features, * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/basics/python_0250_refs_flat_deep_copy/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/basics/python_0200_sequential_types/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/basics/python_0210_indexing_slicing/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/basics/python_0193_while/topic`. The ``else`` clause, mainly - everyone was supposed to know what a ``while`` loop is. * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/basics/python_0220_for/topic`. * ``else`` clause * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/basics/python_0225_range/topic`. Whetting appetite for the *Iteration* livehacking session on day 2. Day 2 ..... * Livehacking: :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/iteration-generation/iteration-generation/topic`, covering * List comprehensions * The ``range`` function * Writing generators using ``yield`` * Generator expressions * Livehacking OO * `joerg-livehacking/oo.py `__ * initially: ``Thermometer``, ctor, ``get_temperature()`` * ``__init__``, ``self``, etc. (``self`` can also read ``this``) * ``th.__dict__`` * *private*, pros and cons * properties (r/w) * inheritance * `joerg-livehacking/abstract-base-class.py `__, `joerg-livehacking/abstract-base-class.cpp `__ * Insert one step *without* ``abc`` before it, and then show what ``abc`` can do * explain "check errors as early as can" |longrightarrow| at ctor time, rather than at method call time. * Livehacking design patterns * `joerg-livehacking/composite.py `__. Using the thermometer hierarchy, a "composite" thermometer was created. That thermometer uses (*has*) a set of concrete thermometers to calculate the average room temperature. * `joerg-livehacking/adapter.py `__. Fictional scenario ... * The ``Unser`` thermometer framework contains a number of thermometer implementations which all support the ``get_temperature_celsius()`` method. * A collaboration with a competitor is launched. That competitor has a similar set of thermometer implementations. The difference between ``Eana`` and ``Unser`` is that ``Eana`` thermometers do not support ``get_temperature_celsius()``, but rather only ``get_temperature_fahrenheit()``. * We employ the *adapter pattern* and create one special thermometer in the ``Unser`` hierarchy .. code-block:: python class EanaAdapter(UnserThermometer): ... .. _duck-abc: Day 3 ..... * Revisit abstract base classes * Discuss duck typing. * Morph `joerg-livehacking/abstract-base-class.py `__ into `joerg-livehacking/duck-typing.py `__. * Explaining how ``abc`` shifts duck errors from *call* to *initialization* * Visitor pattern. Not every pattern in the `"Gang of Four" book `__ should be considered a real pattern. For example, the `Visitor pattern `__ turn into an idiom for languages that don't support generators. * `joerg-livehacking/visitor.py `__. Classic OO implementation of the visitor pattern as a `DFS traversal `__. Together with callbacks and all convolutions. Took sideways like, * show how ``__call__`` makes a class callable. * show how ``__str__`` and ``__repr__`` work together in ``print()`` * `joerg-livehacking/visitor-generator.py `__. "I don't want to implement a visitor!", poor user says. "I only want to iterate over the tree in DFS order!" Implement DFS iteration using ``yield from`` which delegates iteration into recursion. * TDD and Unit Testing theory; using excerpts from the :download:`Design Patterns ` deck of slides. Explain terminology; *fixtures* and such. * Start hacking on project. Agreed upon myself doing live hacking. Doing TDD. * ``Project/sensor/sensordata.py``, and ``Project/tests/sensordata_tests.py``. Prepare TDD; explain suites, cases, fixture, assertions. * While writing data classes (holding only attributes and no functionality), explain ``namedtuple``. Use that to implement ``sensor.sensordata.HistoryData``. * Slowly fix things, in a test driven way. Discuss, team giving input, all really fine. Day 4 ..... * Decorators theory, and livehacking. Mainly to see how flask routes work. * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/starargs/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/closures/topic` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/decorators/topic` * Continue project; add CSV import. ``Project/programs/csvreport.py`` * `sqlite3 `__ export, trying out the `DBAPI 2.0 interface `__. ``Project/programs/csv2sqlite3.py`` * Flask frontend, reading ``sqlite3`` db. ``Project/programs/flaskerl.py`` Recommended Tutorials --------------------- We couldn't cover everything we would have liked to. Here is a random list of tutorial to watch in quiet moments. * `Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python `__. **Raymond Hettinger**, reiterating his favorite phrase: "There must be a better way". (Hettinger is a "Python Core Developer".) .. raw:: html * `Python Tutorial: Duck Typing and Asking Forgiveness, Not Permission (EAFP) `__. **Corey Schafer** about *Duck Typing*, and the word *Pythonic*. Corey Schafer has a number of very good Tutorials; he manages to keep those short and to the point, and rarely exceeds 15 minutes. .. raw:: html * `Python Tutorial: Unit Testing Your Code with the unittest Module `__. Our project was guided by unit tests; here's **Corey Schafer** about the ``unittest`` module. .. raw:: html * `Python Tutorial: Decorators - Dynamically Alter The Functionality Of Your Functions `__. **Corey Schafer** about decorators. Mine was better :-) .. raw:: html * `Built in Super Heroes `__. **David Beazley** in an entertaining keynote to the "PyData Chicago 2016" conference. He has a number of very good and entertaining (and very advanced) videos. You have to spend an entire evening with him though. .. raw:: html * `Concurrency `__: **Raymond Hettinger** covering most if not all aspects and possiblities of concurrency. Very informative, very concise, covering * Multithreading * Multiprocessing * Async; I didn't even mention that. `asyncio `__. Me big fan. .. raw:: html * `Understanding the Python GIL `__: **David Beazley** dissecting the Global Interpreter Lock, explaining why multiprocessing is better. At around minute 45, in the questions/answers, there a mention that using NumPy operations in multiple threads is *truly parallel*. .. raw:: html * `Modules and Packages `__. **David Beazley** has a three hour (!) *really cool and in-depth* look into the seemingly simple ``import`` mechanism. .. raw:: html * `Virtual Environments Tutorial `__: **Corey Schafer** again. Virtual environments are kind of an isolated development sandbox, solving a similar problem as containers do, but much more lightweight and Python only. .. raw:: html * `Packaging, Deployment, PyPI, and pip `__: **Chris Wilcox** (of Google) talking about packaging and deployment, and related topics .. raw:: html * `Generators: The Final Frontier `__: **David Beazley**, again a bit (a whopping four hours) more precise on that topic. .. raw:: html * `NumPy Tutorial `__: **Keith Galli** has a number of good **data science** tutorials. .. raw:: html After Work Party ---------------- From my point of view, the training went really fine. Not everyone is equally satisfied with the outcome (we didn't get to the AI topics, for example), but I have the impression that I brought it over. As a gift to myself, I had reserved Thursday night at `Gmundner Hütte `__. After the training I went back to `Hoisn Wirt `__ (which is where I stayed during the training - really fine), changed clothes, and started to climb the `Traunstein `__ via `Zierlersteig `__. :doc:`See here for the description and pictures from this extraordinary hike. `