2021-10-28 ========== .. contents:: :local: Group Project ------------- * `Assignment sheet on Moodle `__ * Show *Project Management* * Git structure; see `Github project `__ * Sphinx, build * ``src/ece19``: point out that this is where we are working in. Last semester has been pushed down into ``summer-2021``. * Next sessions * VO 2021-11-15 * UE 2021-11-16 Discuss consultation hours where I sit in FH for one day. Discussion of Tasks ................... * Sensors * LM73 * *Temperature Sensor: LM73 (via hwmon)*; **Involves kernel build!** * *Temperature Sensor: LM73 (via i2c-dev)* * *Temperature Sensor: DS18S20* This task is performed by two groups. Maybe agree that one of those should proceed with the ``Switch`` interface instead? * *Simulated/Dummy Thermometers*. Point towards :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/python/advanced/iteration-generation/topic`. * Arduino/Raspberry Communication (Proxy Sensor)*. **The *heavyweight!** * Sensor Usage * Program: Read Sensors, Write to stdout*. Point out that this task defines the sensor list configuration. * *Program: Read Sensors, Publish to MQTT Topic*. point out that this task *uses* the sensor list configuration. Exercise -------- * Setup Pi (again?) * Use ``ssh`` to connect to the Pi (:doc:`here `) * Mount your Pi homedirectory (:doc:`here `) TODOs ----- * Add VSCode to Vbox image * Topic: Raspi static IP, point to point connection to Linux PC (on subnet ``192.168.7.*``)