.. ot-group:: cxx_design_patterns Design Patterns With C++ ======================== .. contents:: :local: Introduction ------------ * :doc:`C++ Interfaces ` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 uml/uml oo-principles Topics/Exercises ---------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 singleton/singleton sensor-hierarchy adapter/adapter proxy/proxy decorator/decorator composite/composite command/command interpreter/interpreter observer/observer abstract-factory/abstract-factory heating-screenplay/heating-screenplay Solutions --------- * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/cxx-exercises/design-patterns/solutions/group` To Be Done ---------- * Repertoire page * Source page * Solution page(s) maybe? * Link those into course page * Command with MTQueue * Course preparation page * Split project: base libraries and their tests * To-be-implemented things * List of files * Fun exercise: devise a system where person have a sensor plugged into them. When the sensor sees a sign of sickness, a post is made into SocialDB to charge for it, and an observing party is notified. Dependencies ------------ .. ot-graph:: :entries: cxx_design_patterns