.. ot-exercise:: linux.basics.permissions.exercises.shared_file :dependencies: linux.basics.permissions.basics, linux.basics.permissions.exercises.credentials Exercise: Create Group-Shared File ================================== .. sidebar:: **Documentation** * `man -s 1 chmod `__ * `man -s 1 chgrp `__ **Topics** * :doc:`../../shell/file_dir_create_rm` * In your home directory, create an empty file ``shared.txt`` [#create_file]_. * Tune that file's permissions so that every member of your team can write to it. * Nobody else must be able to access the file in any way. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#create_file] Each of the following commands will do this for you: .. code-block:: console $ echo > shared.txt .. code-block:: console $ touch shared.txt .. ot-graph:: :entries: linux.basics.permissions.exercises.shared_file