.. ot-exercise:: linux.basics.shell.exercises.cp_mv_mkdir_rm.copy_tree :dependencies: linux.basics.shell.exercises.cp_mv_mkdir_rm.verify_hierarchy, linux.basics.shell.cp Exercise: Copy Directory Tree ============================= .. sidebar:: **See also** * :doc:`../../cp` * We just :doc:`had a look at ` the directory tree at ``/tmp/firstname.lastname/parent`` .. code-block:: console $ tree /tmp/firstname.lastname/parent /tmp/firstname.lastname/parent ├── child │   ├── business-card │   ├── garbage1.txt │   └── garbage2.txt ├── garbage1.txt ├── garbage2.txt └── hello * :doc:`Copy <../../cp>` that tree into your home directory as ``~/parent-copy`` so that you see the following, .. code-block:: console $ tree ~/parent-copy/ /home//parent-copy/ ├── child │   ├── business-card │   ├── garbage1.txt │   └── garbage2.txt ├── garbage1.txt ├── garbage2.txt └── hello .. ot-graph:: :entries: linux.basics.shell.exercises.cp_mv_mkdir_rm.copy_tree