.. ot-exercise:: linux.basics.shell.exercises.cp_mv_mkdir_rm.echo_create_files :dependencies: linux.basics.shell.exercises.cp_mv_mkdir_rm.mkdir_p_rm_r, linux.basics.shell.file_dir_create_rm, linux.basics.shell.paths, linux.basics.shell.cwd Exercise: Create Files (I/O Redirection) ======================================== .. sidebar:: **See also** * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/linux/basics/shell/cwd` * :doc:`/trainings/material/soup/linux/basics/shell/file_dir_create_rm` * Make your home directory your *current working diretory* ("Change into your home directory") * *From there*, fill the directory hierarchy from :doc:`mkdir-p-rm-r` with files * Create a file ``hello`` in the ``parent`` directory, containing a single line, ``hello sweetheart`` * Create a file ``business-card`` in the ``child`` directory, containing four lines * Your first name * Your last name * Your street (including number) * Your ZIP code and city .. hint:: You use the ``>>`` operator to *append* a line to an existing file (or to create that file if it doesn't exist: .. code-block:: console $ echo 8020 Graz >> somefile.txt .. ot-graph:: :entries: linux.basics.shell.exercises.cp_mv_mkdir_rm.echo_create_files