
Objects - Data and Methods


  • Object ⇔ struct

  • Operations on objects: free functions

  • ⟶ can be defined anywhere

    struct point p = {1,2};
    point_move(&p, 3, 4); // <--- not syntactically *bound* to p


  • Classes: data and methods

  • Methods: functions bound to objects

    point p{1,2};

class point Again

Reiterating class point from Classes and Objects:

  • What is a point? ⟶ x and y

  • What is the responsibility of a point?

    • move itself

    • compute its distance to origin

    • … or from another point …

#ifndef POINT_H
#define POINT_H

#include <cmath>

class point
    point() = default;  // since C++ 11
    point(int x, int y) : _x(x), _y(y) {}

    // access methods ("getters")
    int x() { return _x; }
    int y() { return _y; }

    void move(int x, int y)
        _x += x;
        _y += y;

    double distance(point other)
        auto a = std::fabs(_x - other._x);
        auto b = std::fabs(_y - other._y);
        auto c = std::sqrt(std::pow(a, 2) + std::pow(b, 2));

        return c;

    double distance_origin()
        return distance(point{0,0});

    int _x{};  // since C++ 11
    int _y{};  // since C++ 11


Simple Methods: Access Methods (“Getters”)

  • Members are private ⟶ outside access prohibited

  • Read-only access desired, though

  • ⟶ Public access methods

class point
    int x() const { return _x; }
    int y() const { return _y; }
    int _x;
    int _y;
  • const: read-only access does not alter the object

    const point p{1,2};
    int x = p.x();       // <--- x() is *const* => ok

How Are Members Accessed Inside Methods?

  • Method is a function that is defined inside the class definition

  • ⟶ C++ knows that an object is involved

  • _x in method body means: “the _x of the object”

  • Accessed via the hidded this pointer (see this)

const Methods

  • Getters above are const but trivial

  • Even non-trivial methods can be const

  • ⟶ whenever a method does not modify a member, it should be written as const

class point
    double abs() const
        int hyp = _x*_x + _y*_y;  // <--- read-only member access -> const
        return sqrt(hyp);

Non const Methods

  • Moving a point obviously must modify its coordinates

  • ⟶ cannot be const

class point
    void move(int x, int y)
        _x += x;
        _y += y;
  • Non const methods cannot be called on objects that are const

  • ⟶ that is the deal, after all

const point p{1,2};
p.move(3,4);         // <--- ERROR: passing ‘const point’ as ‘this’ argument discards qualifiers
  • Error message is a little “C++ standardese”