
Why Pipes?

UNIX (and software in general) paradigm

One tool must do one thing, and it should do that well!

Pipe combines tools; for example …

  • find: recursively walks a directory tree, selects entries according to certain criteria, and prints to standard output what it finds

  • grep is a filter that matches lines (on standard input if so used) and prints those on standard output

  • less is a paging program, letting the user view a stream of data that it reads (if so used) from standard input


Find all header files in the Linux kernel source tree (i.e. files that end with .h):

$ find /usr/src/linux/|grep '*.h'|less

Pipe Facts

  • No temporary files used to hand data from one command to the next in the pipeline

  • Pipe member work in parallel

  • Data exchanged in memory ⟶ buffer of fixed size (~8K, depending on system configuration)

  • Writer suspended when buffer is full

  • Reader suspended when buffer is empty

Pipe Examples

All users, sorted alphabetically:

$ cat /etc/passwd|cut -d : -f 1|sort

Same, but more efficient (using standard input redirection from /etc/passwd, while also not competing for the Useless Use Of Cat Award):

$ cut -d : -f 1 < /etc/passwd|sort

Again the same, this time letting cut open /etc/passwd (this is the preferred way I’d say):

$ cut -d : -f 1 /etc/passwd|sort

Similar, but piping into the shell’s while loop which is also possible, amazingly:

$ cut -d : -f 1 < /etc/passwd| \
    sort | \
    while read user; do id $user; done

More Pipe Examples

Using the tee program (as plumbers occasionally do) to sniff data passing by in a pipe. This saves the sorted list of usernames in /tmp/users.txt.

$ cut -d : -f 1 < /etc/passwd| \
    sort | \
    tee /tmp/users.txt | \
    while read user; do id $user; done

Named Pipes

  • Rendezvous point in the file system

  • Writer and reader meet there to exchange data

  • Similar to (unnamed) pipe as above, only named

In one terminal …

$ mkfifo /tmp/fifo
$ echo Howdy > /tmp/fifo    # sits and waits until reader is there

In another terminal …

$ cat /tmp/fifo