Use Case: Use Training Material From Other Sites

A colleague of mine has no “Python Basics” training in his repertoire, but is an expert in Data Science. I have convinced him that OpenTraining is the way to go, and motivated him to use the relevant parts of my own Python training - which is maintained with OpenTraining, naturally.

A straighforward approach for him to use my Python material would be to copy it. This is dumb, for reasons that are the same as for why copying source code is dumb.

What is needed is a mechanism where training sites (his and mine) could exchange meta information like dependency data - a topic on his site would depend on a topic on my site. When his site is built, it would retrieve the metadata from mine, and the build process would be able to check and compute everything that needs computation.

(Clearly this mechanism will be implemented on top of the Intersphinx Spinx extension.)