Optimizations: Memory Optimizations

Memory: Caches

  • Access to main memory is slow

  • CPU memory cache to speed access up by magnitudes

  • Organized in cache lines ~512 bytes each

  • Cache hierarchies


Locality of reference

Rules to keep caches hot

  • Group data together, so that nearby data is in the same cache line

  • Use contiguous memory where possible; for example

    • Aggregation of structures

    • Sequential access in large (multidimensional?) arrays

    • Sorted arrays rather than fragmented tree structures

  • Take care that data does not bounce back and forth between cache and main memory (“cache thrashing”)

  • Locality of reference

Multidimensional Arrays

C Array Definition
int array[4/*rows*/][3/*columns*/];

4x3 Matrix


Conceptually, a rectangular matrix

Memory layout


Physically, a linear array

Multidimensional Arrays: Cache Thrashing

  • Traversing the matrix columns-first is correct

  • … but not efficient

for (j=0; j<rows; j++)
    for (i=0; i<columns; i++)

Multidimensional Arrays: Forward Indexing

  • Always traverse array row-first

  • “Forward indexing”

  • Best Locality of reference

for (i=0; i<rows; i++)
    for (j=0; j<columns; j++)