Exercise: Proxy (Rounding Thermometer)

Given the existing Sensor hierarchy, invent a new class RoundingSensor that takes the measurement from an existing sensor, and returns that measurement rounded to the nearest integer.

Invent that new sensor in a way that it fullfills the following requirements:

#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include <sensor-round.h>
#include <sensor-const.h>

TEST(proxy_round_suite, round_down)
    ConstantSensor cs(36.34);
    RoundingSensor rs(&cs);        // <--- use measurement from cs for rounding

    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(rs.get_temperature(), 36);

TEST(proxy_round_suite, round_up)
    ConstantSensor cs(36.56);
    RoundingSensor rs(&cs);        // <--- use measurement from cs for rounding

    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(rs.get_temperature(), 37);

TEST(proxy_round_suite, rouding_sensor__is_a__sensor)
    ConstantSensor cs(36.56);
    RoundingSensor rs(&cs);
    Sensor* s = &rs;               // <--- RoundingSensor is-a Sensor

    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(s->get_temperature(), 37);