Linux Hardware Interfaces

A very incomplete collection of hardware related topics. Linux has much much more, so this section is expanded continuously.


Group Description

cluster_linux Linux cluster_linux_hardware Linux Hardware Interfaces cluster_linux_hardware_can CAN Bus With Linux And Python linux_hardware_pwm PWM Userspace Interface (using PCA9685) linux_hardware_w1 Linux and OneWire (using DS18B20 Temperature Sensor as Slave) linux_hardware_brushless_motor Controlling a Brushless Motor With Raspberry Pi linux_hardware_brushless_motor->linux_hardware_pwm linux_hardware_i2c Linux and I2C (using LM73 Temperature Sensor as Slave) linux_hardware_can_programming Programming linux_hardware_can_intro CAN/Linux Basics linux_hardware_can_interfaces CAN Interfaces linux_hardware_can_hardware Hardware, Kernel