
const: Immutable Variable


  • What if I have a const point?

  • This is just the same as getting a const point* passed into a function

#include "point-nonconst.h"
#include <iostream>

int main()
    const point p{2, 4};   // <--- const

    double d_orig = p.distance_origin();
    std::cout << "distance of (" << p.x() << ',' << p.y() << ") from origin: "  << d_orig << std::endl;

    return 0;

(point-nonconst.h here)

code/c++03-const-bogus.cpp:9:38: error: passing ‘const point’ as ‘this’ argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]
    9 |     double d_orig = p.distance_origin();
      |                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~
code/c++03-const-bogus.cpp:10:40: error: passing ‘const point’ as ‘this’ argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]
   10 |     std::cout << "distance of (" << p.x() << ',' << p.y() << ") from origin: "  << d_orig << std::endl;
      |                                     ~~~^~
code/c++03-const-bogus.cpp:10:56: error: passing ‘const point’ as ‘this’ argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]
   10 |     std::cout << "distance of (" << p.x() << ',' << p.y() << ") from origin: "  << d_orig << std::endl;
      |                                                     ~~~^~
class point
    int x() { return _x; }     // <---
    int y() { return _y; }     // <---

    double distance_origin()   // <---
        return distance(point{0,0});

const Methods

  • A const method promises to the compiler that it does not modify the object

  • Non-const: compiler must assume that object is modified ⟶ error (see above)

#ifndef POINT_H
#define POINT_H

#include <cmath>

class point
    point() = default;  // since C++ 11
    point(int x, int y) : _x(x), _y(y) {}

    // access methods ("getters")
    int x() const /* <--- */ { return _x; }
    int y() const /* <--- */ { return _y; }

    void move(int x, int y)    // modifies object, hence non-const
        _x += x;
        _y += y;

    double distance(point other) const   // <---
        auto a = std::fabs(_x - other._x);
        auto b = std::fabs(_y - other._y);
        auto c = std::sqrt(std::pow(a, 2) + std::pow(b, 2));

        return c;

    double distance_origin() const       // <---
        return distance(point{0,0});

    int _x{};  // initialization, since C++ 11
    int _y{};  // initialization, since C++ 11


const Correctness vs. Pollution

  • const pollution

    • “being correct is very cumbersome”

    • not using const is arrogant (“the compiler cannot help me because I am better”)

  • Nice goodie offered by the language

  • Compiler helps me verify that my code is correct

  • const correctness